Quick reference for Github Markdown
Just a reference for essential Markdown codes to memorize for GitHub..

By. Jacob
Created: 2023-05-02 11:18
Inline code:
The php `str_replace()` is used to replace a string in a string.
Code block:
This is a codebox example:
echo "hallo world";
# First level heading
## Second level heading
### Third level heading
#### Fourth. Etc
Ordered list:
1. First item.
2. Second item.
3. Third item.
4. Fourth item.
Unordered list:
- An item on a list.
- Another list item.
- This list item is random.
- The placement of this item is also not significant.
Bold text:
The quick **brown** fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Italic text:
The __quick__ brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
Quoting text:
> Invest in seven ventures, yes, in eight; you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.
Inline links with text:
I recommend sharing the
[Markdown quick reference](https://beamtic.com/github-markdown-codes) for GitHub.
Note. Valid URLs will automatically get turned into links.
> **Note**
> This is a note
> **Warning**
> This is a warning
Github has beta support for Admonitions, but this syntax could still change, and it currently does not produce semantic HTML code as it uses the blockquote element.
Markdown mini-reference for Github
I seriously keep forgetting how to write Markdown on Github, especially how to insert code because I keep mixing up backtick ` with the acute accent sign ´ lol. Anyway, here is a reference to help myself and others remember.
At first markdown is really hard to remember, but pays in the longer run, as it converts easily to other formats.
- Basic writing and formatting syntax - github.com
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