Terms of Service

When using the Beamtic website and related services, these are the terms you agree to.


Edited: 2020-06-27 08:39

The Beamtic website and/or services hosted by Beamtic is offered under the following conditions free of charge.

  1. All content is copyrighted, and it is not allowed to copy content and publish it elsewhere on the internet.
  2. At no point are you allowed to block ads on the website.
  3. It is not allowed to use a browser incapable of showing ads, unless you are using assistive technologies to access the service.

Things that are allowed

It is not possible to list everything that is allowed, but to avoid some confusion, here are some important things that are allowed with the content on Beamtic.

  1. You are allowed to print articles for educational purposes, but please be considerate and include a URL to the original source in the printed document.
  2. You are allowed to quote articles in other online material (It is considered fair use).

Why you find ads on the site

Ads are critical for the monetization of the service, and it is therefor not allowed to block ads. We can detect when someone is blocking an ad, so the act of blocking an ad is not anonymous. It is not like we will come after you for doing it, but it is very damaging for the website's revenue.

In the future it may not be possible to operate the site if too many users is blocking ads.

Beamtic is using Google Adsense to monetize the site, be sure to read our Privacy Policy if you wish to know more about the information we keep and share with partners such as Google.

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