
Tutorials on how to install and manage Nextcloud servers.

  1. You need to route ocm-provider requests to index.php to have the error go away. The error started showing after I upgraded my Nextcloud server some time ago, and I have not had time to fix it until now.
  2. The Nextcloud notes app is worth using, because it stores notes in a logical and natural way, secures your notes and ensures you will never lose access to them.
  3. This can happen when the Redis environment is configured incorrectly, and/or when the redis-server.sock file has the wrong permissions.
  4. How to toggle maintenance mode on or off for your Nextcloud server
  5. Prevent your Nextcloud data directory from being accessible from the internet.
  6. How to change the domain name for your Nextcloud server.
  7. How to solve a problem that causes Nextcloud to report inaccurate amount of free space.
  8. How to setup a redirect for webfinger and nodeinfo in your server configuration to make Nextcloud stop complaining about it.
  9. Nextcloud complains about opcache.interned_strings_buffer and opcache.memory_consumption not being large enough, so this is how to adjust them.
  10. The Nextcloud update server seems to be suffering from high load at times, resulting in gateway timeout. Here is how to fix that annoying problem.


Nextcloud is a powerful self-hosted cloud solution that is perfectly able to compete with DropBox, Google Drive, and others.