The Tools List
List of tools for developing and designing websites.

Edited: 2016-10-04 13:52
This tools list is aimed towards web designers, developers, and other creative people. The list focuses on programs used for developing websites and web applications.
Source Editors
A list of recommended source-editors, for hand-coding web applications.
Aptana Studio
Aptana Studio is one of the best source editors available, and it can easily compete with commercial editors. Managing large projects is very easy, and Aptana supports many different programming languages.
Notepad++ is a free light-weight editor with support for syntax highlighting for a lot of languages, and tabbed editing. Perfect for smaller fast edits.
Image and Photo Editing Software
This is a list of editors which can be used to create web-graphics, all the tools listed are free, unless otherwise written.
If you want to use what i use, then you should have a look at the free Paint.NET.
Some features which i really miss for this to be the perfect editor to suit my wishes, is Text Layers along with a better text editor, with the possibility to edit sections of the text. The second feature would be soft, and custom brushes, which are in the works from what i was able to find out.
Gimp is a free editor, with high functionality. Generally this will do everything a web designer needs, you can combine this tool with other tools listed.
This editor is very feature rich when it comes to custom brushes, you can even use soft brushes, which wasn't directly available in Paint.NET.
Sqirlz Water Reflections
SWR is a free tool to easily add rippling pools of water, rain, and snow. Something which would otherwise be very time-consuming. All Through it can have a few issues, I've used it with success a number of times. Just be careful when creating gif animations for web usage, as these can quickly get pretty large. Its also a nice editor to add a final touch to avatars, ads, and banners.
Can save each frame as a separate image, allowing you to easily import the animation into other editors. You can also save the animation as gif or flash from SWR
There is a freeware program called PNGGauntlet, which can compress the PNGs to even lower file-sizes then that of most image manipulation tools, without a loss in quality.
FTP Clients
FTP Clients are used to upload files to your hosting server.
This might be the best Free FTP Client around, check the website for a full list of features.
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