CSS Selectors
List of CSS selectors used to style HTML elements.

Edited: 2021-02-08 00:46
Selectors is a type of pattern-matching rule used in CSS when modifying the styling of elements on a page; nearly all aspects of how an element looks and behaves can be changed, some examples include the following: text color, the background of elements, and borders.
The table below contains a list of selectors. You can click on the selector in the table to view additional details, and examples of how it can be used.
* | Matches all instances of all Elements. | Universal selector |
TagName | Matches all instances of TagName Elements. | Type selectors |
TagName Tagname | Matches all TagNames which is descendant of TagName. | Descendant selectors |
TagName > Tagname | Matches all TagNames which are children of TagName. | Child selectors |
TagName:first-child | Matches the first child of TagName. | The :first-child pseudo-class |
TagName:link | Matches TagName if TagName is the anchor of a hyperlink, which is not visited. | The link pseudo-classes |
TagName:visited | Matches TagName if TagName is the anchor of a hyperlink, which is visited. | The link pseudo-classes |
TagName:active | Matches TagName if TagName is active. | The dynamic pseudo-classes |
TagName:hover | Matches TagName if TagName is hovered. | The dynamic pseudo-classes |
TagName:focus | Matches TagName if TagName is in focus. | The dynamic pseudo-classes |
TagName:lang(C) | Matches TagName if the lang attribute of TagName is C. | The :lang() pseudo-class |
TagName + TagName2 | Matches all TagName2 Elements which immediately follows a TagName element. | Adjacent selectors |
TagName[Att] | Matches all TagName Elements with the Att attribute set. | Attribute selectors |
TagName[Att="value"] | Matches all TagName Elements with the Att attribute set to "value". | Attribute selectors |
TagName[Att~="value"] | Matches all TagName Elements where the Att attribute is a list of space-separated values, where one is "value". | Attribute selectors |
TagName[lang|="en"] | Matches all TagName Elements where the lang attribute is hyphen(-)separated list of values beginning (from the left) with "en". | Attribute selectors |
TagName.ContentBox | Matches all TagName Elements with their class attribute set to "ContentBox". Is the equilivant of TagName[class~="ContentBox"]. | Class selectors |
TagName#Basement | Matches the TagName Element with its id attribute set to "Basement". Is the equilivant of TagName[id="Basement"]. | id selectors |
Universal Selector
The Universal selector matches any element. You should consider the below cases, where using the "*" selector would be obsolate.
- *.class and .class are equivalent.
- *#id and #id are equivalent.
- *[lang=en] and [lang=en] are equivalent.
For instance the universal selector can be used to remove all whitespace, allowing you to define your own styles for all elements, see below.
* {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
Type Selectors
A type selector matches all instances of the given element'(s) in the document tree.
p {margin-top: 0.2em;} /* Matches all instances of P */
Descendant Selectors
Descendant Selectors take precedence over Type Selectors, this allows you to do the following easily.
em {
font-weight: bold;
h1 em {
/* Takes precedence over the Type Selector and matches any child or later descendent of h1. */
font-weight: bolder;
Child Selectors
Consider the below example, where the pattern matches p elements who are children of body.
body > p {
color: blue;
The following example combines Descendant Selectors with Child Selectors.
#CenterContent > div.BorderBox p {
/* Matches P elements who are descendants of a division with the class "BorderBox", the "div.BorderBox" must be a child of "#CenterContent" */
margin-top: 0.2em;
The :first-child pseudo-class
The :first-child pseudo-class matches all the first children of an element. The following Example will match all p elements which is the first child of a division element.
div > p:first-child { text-indent: -0.3em; }
The link pseudo-classes
The User Agent (AKA: The Browser), display unvisited links differently from previously visited ones. This is where CSS provides The link pseudo-classes, which allows the author to control this difference.
- The :link pseudo-class matches links that have not yet been visited by the user.
- The :visited pseudo-class matches links link which has been visited by the user.
Consider the following example:
a:link { color: purple; } /* Unvisited Links */
a:visited { color: black; } /* Visited Links */
The dynamic pseudo-classes
The dynamic pseudo-classes is the response to certain user actions, such as hovering an element, or activating an form element.
- The :hover pseudo-class applies when and while the user hovers an element.
- The :active pseudo-class applies while an element is active.
- The :focus pseudo-class applies when and while an element is in focus, I.E. Submit forms.
Lets combine The link pseudo-classes with some of The dynamic pseudo-classes to make enhance UI functionality and make the UI more appealing, Example below:
a:link { color: purple; } /* Unvisited Links */
a:visited { color: black; } /* Visited Links */
a:hover { color: red; } /* Links when Hovered */
a:active { color: blue; } /* Active Links */
Note. a:hover must be placed after the a:link and a:visited rules, otherwise those just overwrite the hover rule. Finally a:active is placed after a:hover, which in this case means last.
The :lang() pseudo-class
If the document specifies the actual language, it is possible to write selectors matching by those, example below:
q:lang(en) {
quotes: '"' '"' "'" "'";
q:lang(no) {
quotes: "«" "»" "'" "'";
Adjacent Selectors
The Adjacent selectors matches an element which is immediately preceded by another, consider the below example:
h1 + p { text-indent: 1em; }
The above would indent all the first paragraphs appearing after an h1 element.
Attribute Selectors
There are a number of ways to use Attribute Selectors.
- [att] Matches all Elements with the "att" Attribute set, regardless of its value.
- [att=val] Matches all Elements with the "att" Attribute set exactly to "val".
- [att~=val] Matches all the element'(s) with their "att" attribute value set to a space-separated list of words, where one exactly is "val", the words themself may not contain spaces.
- [att|=val] Matches all the element'(s) with their "att" attribute value set to a hyphen-separated list of words, beginning with "val", the match starts at the beginning.
The following example matches an img element, with its "alt" attribute set.
img[alt] {
border: 1px solid orange;
The next matches an p element with its class attribute set to "opener"
p[class=opener] {
/* Equilivant to p.opener */
text-indent: 1em;
Here are some useful examples of the last two options. Many websites like to indicate External link'(s), while there isn't any standard way of doing this, its usually done by the use of the "rel" attribute set, with a space-separated list of words including "external" as one of them to indicate the external link, see below:
<a href="http://www.beamtic.com/" rel="external nofollow">Beamtic.com</a>
Now, while a[rel="external"] would match any a element with its "rel" attribute set exactly to "external", it wouldn't match the elements where "nofollow" was applied as well, this is where "~=" come in, if the list where hyphen-separated, you would simply use "|=" instead.
You can also combine multiple rules, the below will only match an h2 element with an class and id applied.
h2[class][id] {
color: red;
wont-weight: 2em;
Class Selectors
HTML elements can have one or more classes assigned in their class attribute, each class separated by a space character.
The easiest way to type a class selector is by the use of the following syntax .name_of_class { property1:value;property2:value; }; consider the below example.
.ContentBox {
width: 95%;
However there may be cases where you would want the ContentBox inside #LeftContent to be different from #CenterContent, consider the below example:
#CenterContent > .BorderBox { width: 90%; }
#LeftContent > .BorderBox { width: 95%; }
There might even be cases where you would want to specify which element'(s) the rule must match, and as such narrowing the rule further down, see below.
div#CenterContent > div.BorderBox { width: 90%; }
div#LeftContent > div.BorderBox { width: 95%; }
Id Selectors
An ID selector is used to uniquely match a single element on a page. There can only be one occurrence of each ID throughout a document.
In HTML, IDs are also commonly used to link to sections in a document; example follows:
<a href="/#Section2">Section 2</a>
The id is often applied to a heading such as h1-h6 or it is applied section elements; you can then link to these sections on a page in the href attribute on links.
Styling elements by their ID can be done like this:
#Basement {
width: 90%;
max-width: 1600px;
min-width: 800px;
In this example, i simply give the Basement division a width, min-width, and max-width. I didn't say specifically that the id must occur on a division tag, since i would know exactly which tag i used the id on. Above example would be the equivalent of div#Basement, given that "Basement" actually was applied on a div element, of course this would just add to the file-size.
Grouped Rules
Rules can also be grouped, for elements who share the same styles, see example below:
#LeftContent, #RightContent { position: absolute; }
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { color: blue; }
I will leave it up to you to find more combinations of the mentioned rules.
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