Meta Tag Redirect

How to create a Meta Tag Redirect, using the meta refresh tag.


Edited: 2019-09-11 16:05

Using a Meta Tag Redirect can be useful, if you do not have access to your servers configuration, and can not redirect using server-sided scripting.

A Meta Refresh of "0" will be picked up as a 301 Redirect in search engines, just remove the old content, and place a HTML link to the new page. In addition you may also want to consider the Canonical URL Tag.

Meta tags goes in the head section of your HTML.

The content attribute holds the amount of time in seconds.

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0">

Problems with Meta Redirects

Browsers do not appear to properly ignore pages in their history that have a client-sided redirect in place. A common problem is that the back button in the browser breaks when the browser encounters a client-sided redirect – one way to avoid this for browsers, could be to simply not list it in the "back" history.

A client-side method to do a 301 redirect can be important – some CMS systems does not allow to do server-sided redirects easily, and as such it would demand to much technical knowledge of their users to do redirects properly without a client-side method.

See also

  1. Redirecting pages with htaccess – Server-sided
  2. PHP Redirect – Server-sided
  3. JavaScript Redirect – Client-sided
  4. Canonical Tag – For Search Engines

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