Search Engine Results Page (SERP)

A search engine results page (SERP) is a page that contains the results of a search performed by a user.


Edited: 2017-06-15 14:45

SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page, and is the shortned name of the pages where the result are displayed to users.

Some search engines also display advertising on their result pages, in addition to the normal results. These are however usually easy to tell apart, from the search results them self.

The term SERP might be most frequently used in SEO circles, when talking about PageRank, Backlinks, and other such topics of SEO.

The below example shows how beamtics SEO Tutorials has looked on a SERP of Google in the past:

This image shows how beamtics SEO Tutorials looked in Google

The problem with the SERPs

Since most users generally won't click on links placed further down in the results lists, this creates a real problem within todays search engines.

Rotating the top results could remove some of the pressure, but would likely annoy end-users.

Generally well-established sites rank higher, but newer sites, with equally good content, may not rank at all, which is a real problem for those websites. The end-users likely don't care, as long as the existing sites are doing it well enough.

Tell us what you think:

  1. Drop in traffic doing recent helpful content updates; time will tell if I will recover.
  2. Let us investigate what is up with those mass spammed *-k.html backlinks that many of us are seeing in our link reports.
  3. An in-dept look at the use of headings (h1-h6) and sections in HTML pages.
  4. Pagination can be a confusing thing to get right both practically and programmatically. I have put a lot of thought into this subject, and here I am giving you a few of the ideas I have been working with.
  5. The Video outside the viewport is properly not worth spending time on solving; it is probably intended to solve a specific issue, and every single little video probably does not need to get indexed anyway.

More in: SEO