Shopware stuck in maintenance mode

If shopware is stuck in maintenance mode, make sure to delete the update fulder and disable maintenance mode manually.


By. Jacob

Edited: 2022-11-06 08:34

Unsere Website befindet sich gerade in der Wartung. Wir stehen Ihnen bald wieder zur Verfügung.
Entschuldigen Sie etwaige Unannehmlichkeiten.

Our website is currently undergoing maintenance.
We'll be back very soon. Sorry for any inconvenience.

If Shopware gets stuck in maintenance mode after attempting to apply an update, then it might be because there is still a folder at /var/www/shopware/files/update/.

Note. The folder can probably be safely deleted, and maintenance mode may be disabled afterwards.

Here is how to fix it, assuming you are in Shopware's root:

sudo rm -R files/update/
sudo -u www-data bin/console sales-channel:maintenance:disable --all

You can then attempt to update again afterwards.

sudo -u www-data composer update

Please note, for me, the web-based updater has failed numerous of times, and then I have had to finish the update via CLI instead, therefor I recommend you update via composer to avoid such issues.

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