Web Tools

Web Tools are usually JavaScript based and exciting tools for nerds to play with.

  1. The current unix timestamp and the human readable equlivant.
  2. Tool to generate a md5 hash from a string.
  3. Tool to view your Browsers current user agent string.


Just some interesting tools to make it easier to be a nerd ;-)

Calculate Unix Time

The Current Unix Time tool is a convenient web-based tool that provides you with the current Unix time. Unix time, also known as POSIX time, is a system for representing time as the number of seconds that have elapsed since January 1, 1970, at 00:00:00 UTC. This tool allows you to quickly find the current Unix time without the need for any com

By accessing the Current Unix Time tool, you can instantly obtain the precise Unix time, which is widely used in various programming applications, systems, and protocols. This tool is particularly helpful for developers, system administrators, and anyone working with Unix-based systems who needs to synchronize or reference time accurately.

MD5 Hash Calculator

The MD5 Hash Calculator is a web-based utility that enables you to generate the MD5 hash value for a given input string. MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm 5) is a widely used cryptographic hash function that produces a 128-bit hash value. It is commonly employed for data integrity checks, password storage, and checksum verification.

With the MD5 Hash Calculator tool, you can easily obtain the MD5 hash of any text or string. Simply enter the input text into the provided field, and the tool will compute and display the corresponding MD5 hash value. This feature proves especially valuable for verifying the integrity of files, detecting duplicate data, or securing sensitive information.

Please note that while MD5 is still used in certain applications, it has known vulnerabilities and is considered less secure than newer hash algorithms such as SHA-256. It is recommended to use stronger hash functions for cryptographic purposes.

User Agent String Viewer

The User Agent String Viewer is a web-based tool designed to provide information about the user agent string of a web browser. A user agent string is a part of the HTTP request header sent by a browser to a web server. It contains details about the browser, operating system, and other relevant information that helps websites deliver an optimized experience to users.

By using the User Agent String Viewer, you can easily retrieve and analyze the user agent string associated with your browser. This tool allows you to gain insights into the browser's name and version, the operating system it is running on, and additional details like the device type or rendering engine being used. This information is valuable for web developers and testers to ensure compatibility and optimize their websites for various platforms and browsers.