The E_USER_NOTICE error type is used when triggering errors under specific circumstances, such as when we want to inform someone that they are using a feature in our code in an unintended way.


By. Jacob

Jacob Kristensen (Turbulentarius) is a Web Developer based in Denmark. He is currently pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Web Development at Zealand, focusing on learning React and refining his existing skills.

Edited: 2020-09-24 12:33

The E_USER_NOTICE error type can be used with the trigger_error function to send a user-defined error; it may be used for errors that might be intentionally caused by a user of a library or piece of code that you are developing.

PHP will tolerate certain bad-practices, such as using variables before declaring them, and sometimes this may even be intentional by the developer. The problem is that if there is a lot of notices generated, it can clutter the error logs and make them harder to interpret; because of this, it is recommended to always fix notices.

The E_USER_NOTICE type can be triggered when a user of your code uses it in unintended ways, but you still want to allow them to continue.

Note. For most purposes, throwing an exception is probably a better alternative than triggering PHP errors.

To trigger a E_USER_NOTICE error, you may use the trigger_error function:

trigger_error("You probably should not be using the feature this way, but I will allow you to continue if you know what you are doing.", E_USER_NOTICE);

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More in: PHP Errors