You Have Been Restricted From Accessing Some Facebook Features

This is basically just Facebooks way of telling you to slow down a bit. You have likely been adding people too fast.


By. Jacob

Edited: 2021-08-24 13:41

You have been restricted from accessing some Facebook features.

You have been restricted from accessing some Facebook features.

You may be getting this notification if you have been doing something too fast on Facebook. This is not unusual if you are into Facebook marketing; people who experiment with Facebook will, most likely, have tried getting restricted from using certain features on Facebook in the past; a couple of examples would be adding people as friends, or adding your friends to groups. Sometimes it can be hard to tell what the exact reason for the block is — especially if you have not really been doing anything unusual.

However, the reason it happens is simple. Facebook is just trying to prevent spam and misinformation about certain topics. Those of us who have been experimenting with Facebook marketing and other SoMe stuff, we will likely have "abused" certain features at some point. Some with great success — others with nearly no results at all. Some knowingly, and some simply by accident. It is important to mention that there is no public acknowledged limits by Facebook. If you get restricted, simply try to be less aggressive the next time.

Note. Facebook should have provided you with a more accurate reason why you got restricted; you can find this information in your Support Inbox:

Restrictions are usually temporary, and Facebook might even inform you when a given restriction is set to expire.

My own past experimentation with Facebook

In the past, I used to experiment with Facebook a lot. Mostly, this was with very little success. In fact, it seems people who care about the groups in which they are added, will also be people you know from real life. Adding people who has no relationship or reason to like a company or group will simply not work. They will likely leave sooner or later — and you should be happy they are leaving! Personally, I would rather have a small active group, than a large inactive one.

Another problem is, Facebook's algorithms seem to be able to tell very easily what you are doing, and your organic reach might suffer as a result of parameters such as low engagement on your posts. It is not impossible to recover from these things, but it takes time, and you better slow down whatever you are doing.

Adding random people as friends

If you add people who you do not know from real life, then they might mark your friend request as spam, and then you risk getting temporarily restricted, and in worst case you might even be banned from Facebook.

If you tend to get a lot of friend requests, deleting a request will instead allow someone to follow you. This is often a better option than having them as friends when you do not actually know who they are.

On Facebook, I prefer to keep only my real-life friends, and people I know who are. My main reason for this is the amount of fake news I was seeing in my news feed before cleaning up my friends list. The majority of it was shared by a small group of people on my friends list, and it was quite upsetting what they shared — often totally false claims and disproven conspiracy theories. So, I decided not to add random people, and remove everyone I added. I now only add people if I have reason to add them, and know who they are.

It may also be tempting to just spam-push the add button when Facebook suggest people with friends in common. This was mostly how I build my own friends-list. There is a very high chance they will accept; However, you might regret it later when they start flooding your news feed with fake news, claiming the earth is flat, or some other nonsense. And yes — I have seriously had people who claimed the earth was flat!

Note. Keep in mind that this is now a few years back, and I have since deleted everyone I added!

But I am just going to invite them to pages and groups!

Bad idea... These people are not going to be interested in your pages or groups. Some will be extremely angry when adding them places they have no interest in going, and you will also get temporarily restricted from time to time. Facebook also keeps a record of all the people you ever requested friendship with, so they know if you are a spammer or have shown this behavior in the past.

Adding people to groups and pages

Facebook has a really nice feature, hated by some users — loved by others; that is, the ability for group admins to add people to their groups. Some will simply add everyone on their friends list, regardless if they are interested or not. I tried this a few times myself, and it usually does not work. You have to do it on a much larger scale, and at that point you will likely be stopped by Facebook deleting your group. I never actually tried this, and luckily, I never had a group deleted, but you can read about it on certain SEO and marketing forums.

Some people will leave the group quickly, others might stay around, and a few might not even notice that they have become members of the group. I am not directly against the feature, as it is a very useful and harmless way to grow communities. Still, some people will get quite angry when they find out they have been added to a group, even when done by their own friends.

Personally, I think having a active small community is better than a big group with mostly inactive users.

Spreading misinformation about certain topics

Facebook actively monitor their platform for material that is misleading, manipulative, dishonest, and misinforming in regards to certain topics.

Posting misinformation about health related topics is not allowed; for the most part, the scientific processes and transparency has improved so much in later years, that health claims contradicting the consensus can easily be categorized as misinformation. I am not personally in favor of completely deleting content, but it should at least be labeled when the information in it is found to fit into one of such categories.

Vaccines and COVID-19

Facebook also does not allow spreading misinformation about vaccines, which is something that has been a big problem in relation to the coronavirus. You should always be very careful about what you post to social media — always make sure that you share trustworthy information.

So far all data indicates that the coronavirus vaccines are safe. Claims to the contrary needs to be looked at by scientists and health experts so they can either be confirmed or denied — there is no reason to spread unconfirmed and baseless rumors.

Nearly all claims in regards to supposed harmful effects of vaccines has been thoroughly disproven. For trustworthy information about COVID-19 vaccines, see this page by WHO: COVID-19 vaccines

Still need help?

If you need help with anything, feel free to ask your question in Beamtic's Facebook group:

Tell us what you think:

Justyn Kalahan

I have been postblocked or something. Can't like posts, comment or get likes on my posts. I have 2 different phones I use for facebook then I used the 2 authenticator and that's when it blocked me. Plz helpp... I can't post

Jio Groir

I was blocked recently for posting on more than 19 groups. Facebook is now turning to something else.

Elaine Lavis

I just want to rename my groups name please???

Verna Fowler

I created a group and I need to know why I have been restricted from adding members

Emaku Sarah

I have been restricted from accessing some Facebook features. Please is it temporary or permanent? I need help concerning it

Anshuman Rastogi

Hi , my facebook page has been restricted to accessing some facebook features , my page quality is green and there is no any violence after getting the notification my post not reaching to my followers and I did not get any message from Facebook in my inbox. So what's should I do?



could we get back our facebook page?


When will this be fixed? How much time does it take? My new page has been restricted.


How much time will it take? My clients are trying to review my page and they can't because of this...


Hi sir,
my facebook page blackbird_bah has been temporarily restricted. I dont know why sir , I wanted to know the reason so that for next time i take proper measures. And I also wanted to know how can I remove the restriction .kindly help me with my problem
Thank you.

Priyanka Saha

My page has been restricted from accessing some Facebook features.
How can I stop this?


I am experimenting to create my page on Facebook and I received the restricted accessing some the Facebook features. It's been twelve hours and I still unable to create my page and got the same message. How can solve this?

Rashedul Bari

Hey Facebook team, This is my very important personal account. My account has been restricted. I didn’t know Facebook’s Community Guidelines at first, now I know and will follow in the future. Please fix my account.

Guia Ambida

Hi sir,
my facebook page blackbird_bah has been temporarily restricted. I dont know why sir , I wanted to know the reason so that for next time i take proper measures. And I also wanted to know how can I remove the restriction .kindly help me with my problem
Thank you.


getting restricted on some aspects of Facebook could actually be a good thing- i waste too much time there anyway. More restriction might allow for time to do something useful, and productive.


My page just got to be restricted
How long does the restriction last

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