Facebook: Something isn't working...
Something is not working. This may be because of a technical error we are working to fix.

By. Jacob
Edited: 2022-06-02 12:37
Something isn't working. This may be because of a technical error we're working to fix.
This error seems to affect both Linux and Windows systems while browsing Facebook from Google Chrome.
The problem seems to happen when trying to correct a spelling error using the built-in spell-tool in Google Chrome, and immediately pressing CTRL + Z to revert the correction. Sometimes the problem might also happen when copy/pasting or hitting backspace.
Sometimes when selecting a correction from the spelling menu on a new Facebook post, the word that is being corrected completely disappears, and a user might attempt to press CTRL + Z; but, instead of reverting the correction, the new post dialog appears to crash with an error, and everything the user has written is lost.
Here is a video showing what's needed to repeat the problem:
Tell us what you think:
Do you tend to have a LOT of browser tabs open to Facebook? In my experience Facebook gets flakier by the tab. Eventually, with Marketplace in particular, I get 'out of memory' error too.
I'll often spend time making small changes to a new post or edit, only to have it vanish with the error you describe before I can post it.
I've been struggling with the same issue for a couple of months now and can't find a fix. If I'm going to write a long post I write it out in notepad first then past it in. The frustration of trying to make a single post is nuts.
I have been dealing with this issue for over a year now.
YES! It's been happening for months and is highly frustrating. Like Dan, I try to remember to write out long posts in another window before pasting into facebook, but sometimes I forget. Makes my blood boil.
I am having similar glitches. Spell check will correct the original then post the correct version back to back like this: from korect to correctcorrect. And tonight tapping the touchpad would not move the cursor, I have to use the arrow keys. oh anybody else have this...after so many lines of typing in the messenger window the cursor disappears off screen and as I type every other word the cursor will pop into view, then back out of view with the next word.it is only with fb and fb messenger. a few years ago this happened and i ended up switching to a new phone and tablet ..I never paid attention to whether the issue resolved at that time. I was so used to dealing with the aforementioned issues that the return to normalcy may have occurred at any given time. all i know is that now i dont give e f*ck about typos anywhere a all because it seems I am always F*CKIN' with my typing when on messenger.