1. The best way to deal with a trailing question mark is probably just to make it a bad request, because it is a very odd thing to find in a request URL.
  2. This happens when trying to access methods on objects that are not instantiated. Always check if an object is instantiated before trying to use it.
  3. Tutorial on how to use proxy servers with cURL and PHP
  4. How to determine an optimal value for pm.max_children and related php-fpm settings for your server and web applications.
  5. PSR-1 does not permit underscores for method names, but it probably should. Also, class names most use StudlyCaps.
  6. This tutorial explains how to use the print_r and var_dump functions, and the difference between echo and print.
  7. Flushing and output buffering goes hand in hand, and in this article I try to examine the benefits and disadvantages to flushing.
  8. Non-LTS releases will not be supported by the Ondřej PPA from 22.04 onward, but here is why you probably do not need it anyway.
  9. Warnings are errors that occur when something is probably not expected or desired, and generally developers try account for them in their code to avoid serious issues.
  10. Setting custom HTTP Headers with cURL is useful when changing User Agent or Cookies. Headers can be changed two ways, both using the curl_setopt function.