PHP - page 2

  1. How to send HTTP requests using the build-in file functions of PHP.
  2. How to perform HTTP requests trough proxy servers in PHP.
  3. Tutorial on how to obtain a random value from an array in PHP.
  4. In PHP all arrays can be Associative. In this tutorial, you will learn how to create an association between keys and values in arrays.
  5. You may have wondered what the /etc/php/8.0/conf.d/ directory is for in Debian and Ubuntu, and whether it is better to edit the conf.d files than editing php.ini directly; find out in this Tutorial.
  6. How to use the PHP Foreach loop construct to iterate over arrays.
  7. Tutorial showing how to check if a variable is a number in PHP
  8. How to combine two or more strings into one big string in PHP.
  9. PHP does not have named parameters build-in, but in this tutorial you can learn how to simulate the functionality with a bit of extra code.
  10. How to replace the first occurrence of a string using substr_replace or preg_replace; using the string functions to perform drop-in replacements is recommended.