AutoIt MouseClickDrag Function

The MouseClickDrag function may be used to perform click and drag operations.


Edited: 2021-02-14 02:31

The AutoIt MouseClickDrag function can be used to make selections and to move objects on the screen.


MouseClickDrag("left", 0, 0, 250, 250)


The MouseClickDrag function accepts 6 Parameters, these are all shown below. The pixel values are the x and y positions to start and end the dragging operation from.

First parameter:


Note that primary is used to refer to the primary mouse button, this is useful since a user might change their key mappings — same logic applies for the secondary value.

2nd parameter:

The top and left position to start from in pixels. E.g:

0, 200

3nd parameter:

The top and left position wheres to end the drag. E.g.:

100, 400

4nd parameter:

The movement speed of the mouse, takes a value from 1 to 100. A speed of 0 will move the pointer instantly.

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