PHP Tutorials

A collection of tutorials for learning PHP.

  1. How to create a router in PHP to handle different request types, paths, and request parameters.
  2. Flushing and output buffering goes hand in hand, and in this article I try to examine the benefits and disadvantages to flushing.
  3. How to use the AVIF image format in PHP; A1 or AVIF is a new image format that offers better compression than WebP, JPEG and PNG, and that already works in Google Chrome.
  4. How much faster is C++ than PHP to increment and display a counter in a loop?
  5. Detecting the request method used to fetch a web page with PHP, routing, HTTP responses, and more.
  6. How to create a custom error handler for PHP that handles non-fetal errors.
  7. Knowing if a command exists before trying to call it from a PHP script is a useful way to prevent errors; testing if a command exists can be done using the command -v utility in linux, and where in Windows.
  8. How to make PHP sleep for milliseconds rather than seconds.
  9. Tutorial on how to traverse a Multidimensional array using php7.1 syntax
  10. How to reorder array elements in PHP, moving elements up or down one step at a time.

About PHP

PHP is a scripting language primarily used to develop web applications in combination with other technologies, such as HTML and CSS.

In the PHP tutorials on Beamtic, you can learn about some of of the basics, such as variables, arrays, if statements, and loops, as well as more advanced concepts such as functions, and Opject Orientated Programming (OOP).

This is not intended to be a complete collection of tutorials, but it is still a solid place to start for those wanting to learn PHP.


  1. PHP Tutorials
  2. Getting Started -